Psy Camp Open Air: a magical autumn adventure

On October 6-8, we gathered again among the hills and a lake near Lviv in search of inspiration and energy before the long winter.

The theme of the event was "Forest Song" and our "Mavka". "Artrama" developed special scenery for the stage, dance floor and surrounding area.

Motifs of the autumn forest - yellow leaves, mushrooms, flowers, lizards, tree branches, cobwebs - became the basis of the decor.

The stage was decorated with a dynamic installation made of biflex, amazing "flowers" made of colorful mesh hung above the dance floor, balls with botanical and insect patterns swung around, and "plants" of incredible shapes and colors rose from the sand.

When darkness fell and the blacklight spotlights were turned on, it all lit up and turned the place into a magical meadow.

On the first night, a mesmerizing mist hung over the lake. And on the second night it rained, and every droplet on the trees around shone as if it had turned into a star. It was an amazing sight! And the soundtrack was impressive: Light Dreams, Derrick FunkMasters, Dj Mihal, AstroCat, Wednesday, Kairon, Звукові Медитаціі, JAH PRE, Gydravlik, Ethereals, Goashnik.

"Artrama" also organized a chillout and a teahouse, where campers could relax, rest, look at our magical canvases in blacklight and taste tea. Berry, from Carpathian herbs, from Ivan tea and linden, puerh and Indian masala with hot spices, honey from the family apiary, homemade jams, pumpkin and plum pies, ginger cookies - we had a lot of delicious things.

And we will prepare even more for the next events. And we will definitely make sure to prepare sweets for vegans!

For a few hours on the second day, the teahouse turned into a space for sound healing - campers could meditate between our paintings and to the sounds of various gongs, bells and drums by Volodymyr Sarakhman.

Perhaps sometimes they were disturbed by the barking of dogs. So we apologize for our Dark, Light and Gareth :)

This camp also had a charitable purpose - we collected money for the 80th brigade of the Armed Forces, where our colleagues are fighting.

#aboutart #psycamp #psytrance #festivaldecor #customdecor

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True trippy Tribes


One of the best experiences this year. The music and decorations were beyond my imagination) I definitely would visit music camp again. Thanks for such great memories ❤️


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